Public Records Request Form
Full Name
Street Address*
P.O. Box
City, ST*
Zip Code*
Phone Number
It is the intent of the Township to comply in all respects with the Pennsylvania Right to
Know Law.  In order to process a request for inspection and/or duplication of a public
record, the Township needs sufficient and specific information to identify the record.  
The Township may deny a request if there is inadequate information for the
Township to identify the specific record requested.  Please provide as much of the
following requested information as possible:
Type of document (e.g. ordinance, resolution, meeting minutes, etc.):
Subject of document (e.g. sewage system ordinance, building permit for a specifically
identified property, Zoning Hearing Board decision, etc.):
Approximate date or dates of documents (give date range):
Please state any other information which you believe would assist the Township in
identifying the public record which you seek:
I wish to examine this public record at the Township office:
I wish to obtain a copy of this public record (fees apply):
Unless otherwise requested, the Township will provide paper photocopies of public
records.  The Township does not guarantee a requested record is available or can
be made available in any other format.
I wish a copy of the public record be provided as follows, if possible:
If "Email" was selected, please provide Email address:
If "Facsimile" was selected, please provide fax phone number:
I wish the Township to mail a copy of this public record to me:
I wish the public record to be
mailed to the following address:
I acknowledge that the Township will charge a fee to recover its cost incurred in
the review of the files, the duplication of public records, and the mailing of
public records.  I acknowledge that the Township does not have to provide me
with the copies (if any) I have requested until I pay the fee in full.
Complete the form below or click here for a form that can be downloaded
and printed as needed.

West Nottingham Township Open Records Officer:  Candace Miller
Phone:  610-932-4072 ext. 300.
Fax:  610-932-6110
Mailing address:  P.O. Box 67, Nottingham, PA, 19362

The Pennsylvania Office of Open Records can be reached by clicking on
this link or by one of the following methods:

Phone: 717-346-9903
Fax: 717-425-5343

Note: This email address should only be used for appeal submissions
and general questions. It should NOT be used to submit a request for
For information on records request fees, please click here.
Items marked with an asterick (*) are required)
Public Records Request
West Nottingham Township