Emergency Management
West Nottingham Township
The Oxford Regional Emergency Management (OxREM) Team was established to assist
local municipalities in quickly and efficiently mitigating emergency situations with minimal loss
or risk to the property and people that reside within the Oxford Area School District. For
more information or to join the OxREM team, please visit
The Avon Grove Regional Emergency Management (AG-REM) Team serves the
boroughs of Avondale and West Grove, and the nearby townships of London Grove, Penn,
New London, Franklin, and London Britain.  For more information about the AG-REM team,
AG-REM Website
ReadyChesCo uses the Roam Secure Alert Network (RSAN) to immediately contact you
during a major crisis or emergency. ReadyChesCo delivers important emergency alerts, to
go, what to do, or what not to do, who to contact and other important information.  To
register visit the ReadyChesCo website.
Smart 911 Sign-up and/or Log-in
Smart911 is a free service that allows residents to create a safety profile online to provide
key information to Chester County's 9-1-1 Center.  Smart911 is completely secure and
private, and residents control what information they want 9-1-1 and first responders to have
in an emergency situation.  Visit
Chester County Department of Emergency Services
The Chester County Department of Emergency Services (CC-DES) provides
information and public training opportunities for individuals and organizations in the county.  
For information, please visit their website.
The mission of Citizen Corps is to harness the power of every individual through
education, training, and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger, and better
prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues, and disasters of
all kinds.  For more information on the Citizen Corps, please
click here.
(FEMA) Citizen Corps
Responders and residents in Chester County are encouraged to subscribe to The Chester
County Responder
, a blog with useful information and safety tips.  
Chester County Responders Blog
Chester County Health Department programs and services brochure, click here.  For
information regarding mosquito spraying, produce recalls, and other public health issues,
please visit the Health Department's website, visit
Chester County Health Department
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!  We need volunteers to serve on the township's
Emergency Management Team and the Oxford area Point of Dispensing (POD)
Team.  Please contact the Secretary at 610-932-4072 ext. 300 if you are interested
in volunteering.  

Keep Informed:  listen to your radio and television stations for the projected storm path.
Hurricane Watch means there is a threat of hurricane conditions within 24-36 hrs
Hurricane Warning - means that a hurricane is expected to strike your area
within 24 hours or less with sustained winds of 74 mph or more and
dangerously high water.

Before the storms hits:  clean up leaves in your yard and any that may have collected in
the area of storm drains.  This will help with preventing neighborhood flooding.

Prepare for Prolonged Power Outages:  DO NOT CALL 9-1-1 IF YOUR POWER GOES
PECO - 1-800-841-4141
PPL - 1-800-342-5775
MET ED/FIRST ENERGY - 1-888-544-4877

Have on hand:  1) Flashlights with new batteries, 2) Battery-operated Radio with new
batteries; 3) Spare new batteries; 4) Fully charge your cell phone and laptops;
5) plenty of blankets; and 6) plenty of warm clothing.

Other Items to have on hand:  1) First-aid kit; 2) Enough of the following for 3 days for
each member of your family: Non-perishable food (don't forget the non-electric can
opener), bottled water, essential medicine, food and water for pets, and diapers
and formula for infants.

Secure Outside Furniture, Toys and Garden Items.  If they can't be brought indoors, anchor
items so that the winds can't toss them around.

If you live in a flood prone area, be prepared to evacuate when officials tell you.  It is a good idea
to keep your cars fueled in case of an evacuation order.  Pack a go-bag for each member of
your family and be sure to include the following:  Change of clothing, essential medicine, sturdy
shoes/boots, personal care items, and diapers and forumla for infants.
If you are evacuated, avoid areas of flooding.  if you can't see the center line in the roadway, turn
flooded roadways...TURN AROUND - DON'T DROWN !!

For more information on being prepared in an emergency, check out our Fall Newsletter!

For a list of
pet friendly hotels, please click here.  

For a list of
dry ice vendors, please click here.

Sign up for
ReadyNotifyPA and receive emergency alerts, notifications and updates on email,
If you or a loved one requires special assistance in the event of an emergency or evacuation,
please sign up for the Chester County
Special Needs Registry (link below).

Check out all the links below to find out more about emergency services in Chester County.