Please note that meetings agendas are subject to change without notice.  Meeting
minutes are posted after approval by the Board of Supervisors.
Board of supervisors information
West Nottingham Township
2020 Board of Supervisors Meetings
Agendas                              Minutes
01-06-2020 BOS Agenda
01-28-2020 BOS Agenda
01-06-2020 BOS Minutes
01-28-2020 BOS Minutes
02-11-2020 BOS Agenda
02-11-2020 BOS MInutes
February 25th Supervisors meeting - CANCELLED
03-10-2020 BOS Agenda
03-24-2020 BOS Agenda (Online Mtg)
Treasurer's Report
Reconciliation Summary
Bills List
03-10-2020 BOS Minutes
04-14-2020 BOS Agenda (Online Mtg)
Bills List
03-24-2020 BOS Minutes
04-14-2020 BOS Minutes
05-04-20 BOS Special Meeting
Agenda (online meeting)
April 28th Supervisors meeting - CANCELLED
05-04-2020 Special BOS Meeting Minutes
05-12-2020 BOS Agenda (Online Mtg)
Treasurer's Report
Reconciliation Summary
Bills List
05-12-2020 BOS Minutes
May 26th Supervisors meeting - CANCELLED
06-09-2020 BOS Agenda (Online Mtg)
Treasurer's Report
Reconciliation Summary
Bills List
06-09-2020 BOS Minutes
06-23-2020 BOS Agenda
Treasurer's Report
Reconciliation Summary
Bills List
06-23-2020 BOS Minutes
07-14-2020 BOS Agenda
(at the municipal bldg & online via Zoom)
Treasurer's Report
Reconciliation Summary
Bills List
July 28th Supervisors meeting - CANCELLED
07-14-2020 BOS Minutes
08-11-2020 BOS Agenda
Bills List
08-25-2020 BOS Agenda
Treasurer's Report
Reconciliation Summary
Bills List
08-11-2020 BOS Minutes
08-25-2020 BOS Minutes
09-08-2020 BOS Agenda
Bills List
09-08-2020 BOS Minutes
09-22-2020 BOS Agenda
Treasurer's Report
Reconciliation Summary
Bills List
09-22-2020 BOS MInutes
10-13-2020 BOS Agenda
Bills List
10-13-2020 BOS Minutes
10-27-2020 BOS Agenda
Treasurer's Report
Reconciliation Summary
Bills List
10-27-2020 BOS Minutes
11-10-2020 BOS Agenda
Bills List
11-10-20 BOS Minutes
11-24-2020 BOS Agenda
Treasurer's Report
Reconciliation Summary
Bills List
11-24-20 BOS Minutes
12-08-2020 BOS Agenda
Bills List
December 22nd Supervisors meeting - CANCELLED
12-21-20 Special Meeting (no agenda)
12-08-20 BOS Minutes (draft)
12-21-20 Special Meeting Minutes (draft)
2021 Board of Supervisors Meetings
Agendas                              Minutes
01-04-2021 Organization Agenda
(at the municipal building & online via Zoom)
Treasurer's Report, 11-30-20
Reconciliation Summary, 11-30-20
Bills List, 01-04-21
01-04-21 BOS Minutes
01-26-2021 BOS Agenda
(at the municipal building & online via Zoom)
Treasurer's Report, 12-31-20
Reconciliation Summary, 12-31-20
Bills List, 01-26-21
01-26-21 BOS Minutes
02-09-2021 BOS Agenda
(at the municipal building & online via Zoom)
Bills List, 02-09-21
02-09-21 BOS Minutes
02-23-2021 BOS Agenda
(at the municipal building & online via Zoom)
Treasurer's Report, 01-31-21
Reconciliation Summary, 01-31-21
Bills List, 02-23-21
02-23-21 BOS Minutes
03-09-2021 BOS Agenda
(at the municipal building & online via Zoom)
Bills List, 03-09-21
03-09-21 BOS Minutes
03-23-2021 BOS Agenda
(at the municipal building & online via Zoom)
Treasurer's Report, 02-28-21
   Reconciliation Summary, 02-28-21
   Bills List, 03-23-21
03-23-21 BOS Minutes (TBD)