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Subdivision and Land Development
Please be sure to read each form thoroughly. Depending on the specifics of the project,
there may be additional requirements. Please be prepared to submit multiple copies of plot
plans and construction plans.
Building, Zoning & Road Occupancy Permits
Building Permit: Used for single family dwellings, additions, accessory use buildings,
decks and some detached buildings.
Use either the WNT Application for Plan Examination and Building Permit (pages 1 & 2 only)
or the International Code Council (ICC) form (Item 0003AP4)
Worker's Compensation Insurance Coverage Information: Required when a
contractor or consultant applies for a building permit on behalf of an owner.
Self-insurer's or insurer's Certificate of Insurance must be attached to this form.
Worker's Compensation Insurance Coverage Information Form
Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family Building Permit: Used for Commercial,
industrial and all two or multi-family residential buildings.
Use either the WNT Application for Plan Examination and Building Permit (C)
(pages 1, 2 & insert sheet 3) or the ICC form (Item 0003AP6)
Zoning Application and Permit: Required for all building projects, whether or not a
building permit is required. This includes detached garages, agricultural buildings,
pre-manufactured sheds, etc.
Zoning Application and Permit
Road Occupancy Application and Permit: Required for a new driveway onto a
Township road, relocating a driveway's access onto a Township road, or work in a
Township road right-of-way.
Road Occupancy Application and Permit Form
Other Permits and Information
Sign Application and Permit
Directional Sign Application
Demolition Application and Permit
Use & Occupancy Application and Permit
NOTE: The Township does not require a Use & Occupancy permit for residential resales.
If you are purchasing a commercial or industrial property, you should contact the
Codes/Zoning Officer to see if a Use & Occupancy permit is required.
Grading Application and Permit
Mobile Home Removal or Placement Permit
Manufactured Housing Plan Review Checklist
Applications, Permits & Fees
West Nottingham Township