Announcements & Notices
West Nottingham Township

Unknown persons are calling people in our area claiming to be from the Social Security
Administration.  They are telling people that they will not get their social security check if they can't
verify their social security number and/or bank account.  The people asking for the information are
trying to seem credible by telling you the name of your spouse and your address.  THIS IS A
SCAM!!  NEVER give your social security number or bank account number over the phone!
Please get the word out to senior citizens in our area.  If you think you've been victim of fraud,
please contact the State Police immediately!

If you would like to join the township's emergency management team, please
contact the Secretary at 610-932-4072 ext. 300.  For information on joining the
Oxford Area POD team, please
click here.

The Pennsylvania State Police have issued a press release regarding a recent scam to obtain
private information from individuals through an email which informs recipients that their Apple ID
has been suspended.  If you receive a suspicious email of any kind, NEVER click on any link in the
body of the email.  
To view the press release, please click here.  

Click here to view the storm water management ordinance.
Recent issue with the Oxford Area Sewer Authority (OASA)

Click here to view a time line of events as documented in the minutes related
to the OASA approval of Act 537 and the USDA loan guaranty by the member
Information on 2020 Property and Per Capita Tax Bills

All 2020 property and per capita taxes were due by December 31, 2019.  If you did not
make your tax payment by that date, you will be contacted by the delinquent tax
collector for payment.  If you have any questions, please contact Hannah Rush,
Tax Collector, at 610-932-4072 ext. 404 or at

If you live in the township and are over the age of 18, you are required to pay the $10 per
capita tax.  The only exception to this tax is full-time students.  Proof of full-time enrollment
is required and should be submitted before December 31 of each year.

You can now pay your Township Real Estate and/or Per Capital Tax Bills online through
Click here for more information.
ORPC Watershed Protection and Stormwater Management Website

The Oxford Region Planning Committee has developed a website on Watershed Protection
and Stormwater Management.  It is intended to be updated to include upcoming events in
or near the Oxford Region hosted by watershed partner organizations related to
stormwater conservation. These partners include the Octoraro Watershed Association,
Brandywine Conservancy, Elk Creek Watershed Association, and the Land Conservancy
for Southern Chester County (TLC).  The idea is that the website will become a one-stop
hub for those seeking information about ways to protect water quality in the region.
Meeting Notice
For monthly Supervisors, Planning Commission, & Historical Commission

The Board of Supervisors will hold monthly meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of
each month beginning at 7:00 p.m.  Meeting dates for 2021 are as follows:  Jan. 26, Feb. 9
and 23, Mar. 9 and 23, April 13 and 27, May 11 and 25, Jun. 8 and 22, Jul. 13 and 27,
Aug. 10 and 24, Sep. 14 and 28, Oct. 12 and 26, Nov. 9 and 23, and Dec. 14 and 28.  

The Planning Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month.  Meeting
dates for 2021 are Feb. 2, Mar. 2, Apr. 6, May 4, Jun. 1, Jul. 6, Aug. 3, Sep. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2,
and Dec. 7.  

The Historical Commission will meet at 2:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.
Meeting dates for 2021 are as follows:  Jan. 21 Feb. 18, Mar. 18, Apr. 15, May 20, Jun. 17,
Sep. 16, Oct. 21, and Nov. 18.  There are no meetings in July, August, and December.

The Board of Supervisors may use any of the above scheduled meetings to conduct and/or
discuss any business that may be necessary prior to their regular monthly meetings. The
Board of Supervisors and Historical Commission will hold meetings at the Municipal Building,
100 Park Road in Nottingham, PA. Additionally, the Board of Supervisors and Planning
Commission meetings may be attended remotely via Zoom, an online conferencing
application.  Information on joining these meetings remotely will be available on the
township’s website,, and posted on the municipal building prior to each
meeting.  If you have any questions, please contact the Secretary at 610-932-4072 ext. 300.

Candace Miller, Secretary/Treasurer
West Nottingham Township Board of Supervisors

Click here for the information to attend the Planning Commissions monthly meeting online via
Zoom - next meeting is on April 6, 2021 at 7:30 p.m.

Click here for the information to attend the Supervisors monthly meeting online via Zoom - next
meeting is on April 13, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.